Last Judgment Icon (Kavertzas) Version 1
This is a reproduction of an icon of the Last Judgment. It is one of our “decorative” or “mute” icons — it is merely a reproduction of an image, as opposed to our “talking” icons, which display quotes from Scripture when touched.
Our icons are created for private use and display in churches and other places in SL. They should not be resold or adapted for resale. Their size and position can be modified. Copy and Transfer permissions depend upon the particular version of the icon purchased.
The Last Judgment is one of the most important themes depicted in Christian art, both Eastern and Western. It is the theme of the next to last Sunday before Great Lent in the Eastern Orthodox Churches. This icon was written by F. Kavertzas in about 1640. Wikimedia Commons identifies it as being in public domain, and information about it (in Greek) and larger-resolution images of it can be found at
Like many iconic themes, icons of the Last Judgment have common elements, and so this reading of a different icon of the Last Judgment may also help to interpret this icon.
Windows Into Heaven produces icons for use in Second Life: both “talking” icons and basic or “mute” icons which are simple prim images. We use only images that are in public domain. Our icons are sold at nominal cost, so that they may be widely used. All icons can be edited by the buyer with respect to size and orientation, but the image (and in the case of “talking” icons, the text and script) cannot be edited. Please note the copy/transfer permissions for the particular icon.
Our icons should not be resold in either their original or modified form, though Transfer-enabled icons may be passed along to another user.