Demo available InWorld store
25 Colors Outfit
Top | Jacket | Jeans | Shoes
Multiple Colors Combination via HUD
FitMesh for mesh avatars
sizes Outfit
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Maitreya
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Legacy
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Kupra
☻ 2 Fitted Mesh for Belleza Isis Freya
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Ebody Reborn
☻ 2 Fitted Mesh for Slink Physique & Hourglas
Free Demo available InWorld store - Please try the Demo before buy
- No Refunds For Products with Demo
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Need any help feel free to drop a NC to miamilu InWolrd
Careful with the scripts!
Decent quality overall, great color selection given the low price. However, the HUD is a nightmare in regards to scripts! Got me temp-kicked from my favorite sim because of too high script count and server consumption. So be sure to go to a sim that doesn't have a script counter if you wanna change your outfit :-(