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LeeLee Graphics - Christmas Pack

LeeLee Graphics - Christmas Pack

LeeLee Graphics - Christmas Pack
10 Seamless Textures. All 12x12 jpg.

You may:
-Modify, resize, recolor and otherwise use these files for PERSONAL use, Scrap for Hire and Scrap for Others.
-Submit & profit from layouts to be published in magazines with proper credit given to LeeLee Graphics.
-Post your layouts in any gallery with proper credit given to LeeLee Graphics.
-Use these graphics to design your own personal blog header as long as you do not use your blog commercial purposes. Please give appropriate credit.

You may not:
-Claim my designs as your own or alter the graphics to create derivative work(s) and then claim them as your own.
-Use these files for commercial gain without crediting me.
-Use these files for any other web design without crediting me.
-Copy these files for reasons other than back-up purposes.
-Use these images/graphics to spread hate, violence, discrimination, to spread immoral values, or any other use prohibited by law. No exceptions.

Limited Liability:
-LeeLee Graphics shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of materials from this download.

Thanks so much for your purchase!

  • LeeLee Graphics - Christmas Pack
  • 10 Seamless Textures. All 12x12 jpg.
  • Full permission