Preliminary information
1. The Lindo Flower Game experience for alternate or dedicated accounts is being discontinued.
If an "Error code: 100" is encountered, please consult Lindo's TOS #2 at for more information.
2. This HUD only works on accounts older than 60 days at least.
What is Lindo - Virtual Flower?
│ Lindo HUD is an in-game virtual flower HUD which allows you to
│ earn lindens while watering a flower to grow it.
│ When attached, it will show on your screen as a HUD,
│ so there is no need for external avatar attachments,
│ and no need to rez anything either.
How Many Lindens Can I Earn?
│ This varies according to conditions, but when you grow a
│ flower by watering it regularly, you can earn between L$5-13 within an hour.
│ Current minimum earning ratios are exactly as follows:
│ L$ 0.02-0.08 for each growing step.
│ However, your earning ratios are not limited in this way.
│ For more details, please check "Can I Earn More Lindens?" below.
How Do I Use Lindo - Virtual Flower?
│ The steps are fairly simple!
│ 1. Attach the Lindo HUD.
│ 2. Click on the MENU-STATS button.
│ 3. Click on the "Get a location" button.
│ 4. Click on the given teleport address to teleport to the suggested location.
│ Now all you have to do is grow the flower by clicking on the water can!
What Do These Indicators, Buttons, and other Tools Do?
│ Indicators:
│ 1. Earned L$: Shows the amount of lindens you have earned.
│ 2. Experience (XP): Shows the amount of total grown flowers.
│ This also indicates your experience points, which improves your chances of an award winning ratio.
│ 3. Seeds: Shows the remaining seeds.
│ 4. Thirst: Shows the thirst percentage. When it reaches 100%, this means your flower is thirsty and stops growing.
│ Clicking on the water can will decrease this percentage, and will allow your flower to continue to grow.
│ 5. Progress: Shows the growth percentage of your flower.
│ Buttons:
│ 1. MENU-STATS: Shows the Menu-Statistics window or hides it.
│ 2. Bird: Activates the bird sounds to make life much more amazing.
│ Buttons on the "Menu - Statistics"
│ 1. Get a location: Gives you a random location to grow your flower at.
│ 2. Withdraw: Withdraws your current earned funds.
│ (See "How Many Lindens Can I Earn?")
│ 3. Web page: Opens Lindo main web page.
I Have Ran Out of Seeds, What Should I Do?
│ You can buy seeds from the seed boxes, which are placed near the Land Terminals.
The Sun Is No longer There?! What Do I Do?
│ Click the 'Get a location' button and teleport to the suggested location.
│ Always read the local chat first to see why there is no sun.
Can I Earn More Lindens?
│ Of course!
│ Check the event rates of the locations!
│ Event rates of the locations specifies your earning ratio.
│ To see 'high event rated' locations, look at "Game Locations" from our web page.
│ Event rates there will be listed under "Event"
│ For instance, if you prefer a location which has 2x Event,
│ that specific place will multiply your earnings by 2x.
│ There are different types of seeds that can boost the rate you gain XP:
│ 1) Regular Seed - 1x XP Gain
│ 2) Silver Seed - 2x XP Gain
│ 3) Golden Seed - 2x XP Gain (Golden seed also grows your flower faster).
│ The different kinds of seeds can be purchased near the terminal on the parcel/sim.
│ Visit "Ranks" from our web page to see the list of winners.
☎ I Have More Questions, Who Should I Contact?
│ Please don't hesitate to ask your questions to us anytime!
│ Web:
│ Group: Lindo
│ Creator: Sofistik Resident
│ or any of Lindo Helpers
│ This help file has been reviewed by the Official Article Manager: MajikVixen (bluevioletvixen.lorefield)