G Général

Log Cabin small (boxed)

Log Cabin small (boxed)

Small Log Cabin

226 prims
full foot print approx 25 X 25

Great starter home, country cabin, rental copy for
winter or mountain sim.


Lower level has garage and game room area
Upper level has open space and loft
Remote button fireplace with chimney smoke
Remote button front porch lights
features FVG doors

uses faux-rez system.
Rez the rezbox and select rez
Edit the rezbox itself to move house
When in place, click rezbox and select save or store.
Right click and take the rez box back into inventory, you may re-use it at anytime

The House is copy, if things go terribly wrong, delete house
and start over.

IM MikeyMetalhead Wylie in world for a sandbox tour

Because House is copy / no-trans - NO REFUNDS