Lonewolf's Dreams Resizable Square Platform
* Just 2 prims at up to 64 Meters in size.
* Menu controlled texture change platform with 4 different choices.
(Click on the platform to bring up the menu.)
* Platform is set to modify so that you can edit it to your exact land size or needs. The scripts however are set to No Modify.
* No Copy - Modify - Transfer
* This is a Modify but No Copy item. The shipping box will be empty once rezzed so be sure to take your item instead of deleting it or you will lose it.
* Being No Copy but Modify, I suggest learning a bit about building before you attempt un-linking the prims. As this build is now, you will be able to resize it as a whole once you rezz it inworld.
* You must have land or access to a sandbox to be able to rezz this item.
////////////STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS\\\\\\\\\\\\
* 1) Be sure your land size is large enough for your item purchase.
* 2) Find your land center point and rezz a prim box there as a guide.
* 3) Position this "center point" at the approximate height of the final build site.
* 4) Drag the platform from your inventory onto the center of your "land center point."
* 5) Once rezzed if you need to move the build in any direction, go into edit by right clicking and simply move the platform in the direction you wish the build to go.
- Menu controlled texture change platform with 4 different choices
- Resizable to your exact land size or needs if needed