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Lothlorien Tree House

Lothlorien Tree House

"Ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind,
long years numberless as the wings of trees!"

This version of Lothlorien is an enormous sculpty tree with a house tucked into the branches.

~The upper structure is the Great Hall for entertaining/living. The upper walls are open with carved fretwork. The door locks to ensure your privacy.

~Curved stairs take you downward to The patio, where you find a fireplace and a hammock. Softly glowing lanterns light your way at night.

~Another set of curved stairs wind around the trunk of the tree and take you to the private bedroom, which also features a locking door.

You don't have to be elven to appreciate this ornate, fantasy tree house.

House & Tree only prims: 204
Total prims with all accessories: 333
Footprint: 40m wide, 45m deep, 45m tall
Suggested parcel sizes 3072 and up
Copy & Modify ok, no Transfer
Packaged with Rez Faux for easy set up

Accessory package includes:
*3 Fireplaces
*Couch with 4 animated PG poses
*Chair with 1 animated PG pose
*Conversation rug with 4 animated PG poses
*Bed with MLP PG Animation System

The Lothlorien Bed w/PG animations in included with the Treehouse purchase and has 3 animation modules:

Solo: 7 general animations of lounging, reading and sleeping.

Together: 9 couples animation sets for hanging out, flirting, chatting, sleeping, and enjoying each other.

Romance: 9 couples animation sets of kissing, seducing and touching.

The Adult Animation version of the bed can be also be purchased from Naughty Muse furniture or by searching the marketplace for Lothlorien Bed.

Not only do I warranty my work, I'll help you set it up for free!

See in in-world at Skybox Nirvana!

See item in Second Life
  • Rich Velvet Textures
  • Locking Doors
  • Copy Ok and Modifiable
  • Full Matching Furniture Set
  • Free Set Up Help
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