One Love Bride with so much nice cuddle animations
The Bridge have with all decor (flowers, wreath and lamps only 18 prim) use it with your love in the night and try the animations out.
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The Bridge is mody/copy
- Love Bridge
- with Flowers
- Animations
Must rez in edit mode
The bridge looked good in the picture however the textures look dated when rezzed. When rezing out the bridge I foud out you must be in edit mode to make sure you have all the pieces when moving. They are not all connected. This is old school building of years ago. Also the bridge legs cannot be lengthened to go into the water when crossing across a river. This means the bridge has to be almost level with the water to look right and not have the legs sticking out of the water. It is a nice bridge but for my needs would need A LOT of work and is useless to me.