★★[ LsR ] - Sexy SnowWoman Costume★★
► Hat, Scarf , Swimwear,Things, Pumps,Gloves Omega App
► Slink,HourGlass,Physique , Maitreya , Belleza,Venus, Isis, Freya
● Enjoy 5 minutes full options with demo version, many options included
so if you need more time feel free to "buy" another demo, they'r free :)
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★ Any problems or questions, please Note Card.
Very sexy cute outfit, but... no resider in hat or scraf
Cute outfit, but.... there is no resizer script in the hat or scarf. I tried to add one but it wouldn't let me. The scarf I can live with, but the hat is too small, so hard to wear it over hair/head, it sits too high. Please update this cute outfit and add resizer scripts to hat and scarf or allow for editing so we can stretch it. Thanks!
Cute Outfit, but
No resizer on the hat and no mod. Without being able to wear the hat it kinda ruins the outfit.
Only one thing wrong....no resizer in the hat or scarf, great little outfit!