This is a Ghost - Spirit - Elemental Avatar which can be used for many occasions / events and celebrations.
If you use it when visitign a haunted castle, a graveyard, enchanted Forest or a Dance Party, for sure you will be an attraction.
Very nice is to have friends wearing the same Avatar or another of the Elemental Series. They look lovely when they twirl around, at times even synchronize.
Its a gender free creature- no matter if you are male or female. It can be used in Fantasy Roleplay as Outfit- if your sim approves it :)
You need to choose " replace " outfit.
Wear all parts, and detach everything else.
Normal forth back - left right with arrow keys.
If you set to running ( Ctrl R) or fly, the animations will change slightly.
Sound Gesture:
Needs to be set active.
type /sylph in chat to play it
Runa ( Alrunia Ahn)
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