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::MA:: Bento Buddy "Original" - Box V1

::MA:: Bento Buddy "Original" - Box V1

Bento Buddy "Original" Flying Pet





This mesh Agency innovation is a new generation experimental "bento" pet. Dynamic and interactive in a way that is nothing like what exists in second life to this day. The wings of this cute and adorable bubble bird will flex and bend as it fly's around you not just sitting on your shoulder or attached to one point of your body.

You can catch a glimpses of your buddy in the OFFICIAL second life bento presentation here :

The Pack includes :
- Your Bento Buddy Original
- Play Hud with 7 fun animations (cuddle,kiss...)
- Color hud with lots of colorfull possibility's
- Cloud Bed ADDON to give your buddy sweet dreams
- Could Swing ADDON you can leave with regular animations or use hud buttons to swing

Here are a few things you need to know BEFORE you purchase this item :

- You must be using a Bento enabled viewer to see your buddy's animation.

- People (yourself or others) that do not have a bento enable viewer will see your buddy sitting on the ground in front of you.

- Your Buddy is height and gender sensitive. It will work better with human female avatars between 40 to 60 height on SL sliders. Male, children or animals will have unexpected results in the placement of the animations.

- The animations will work seamlessly with your regular AO, they simply implement themselves on top. Players with strong AOs set to priority 3-4 such as furrys or animals may experience issues playing some animations.

I insist on the fact that this is an experimental release for some fun on the new ideas to come with bento. As such there will be no refunds if the product dose not behave as you wish but i am interested in knowing any issues you meet so feel free to let me know.

I hope you have fun and enjoy


© 2013 MESH Agency
Custom mesh builds http://mesh-agency.blogspot.fr/
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/MeshAgencySL

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • NEW Bento Flying Pet
  • Works seamlessly with your own AO
  • Interacts and plays with you
  • Super cute addon Bed or Swing
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Very cute BUT...
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted August 13, 2021 by SilverTear Adored

Like everyone else, it deforms the left eye. i have tried attaching it to different parts and it still happens. im so disappointed. :( when i first bought it, it worked fine. but now with the updated heads/eyes/bodies it just deforms the eye.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 24, 2020 by Day Popstar

it is very cute, but it only works on mesh heads, bento heads the eye is deformed impossible to use, money thrown away !!!

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 05, 2020 by Sweetheart Baskerville

I have this on both my bento adult and bento toddler...it messes up the one eye...If you have a hair that covers that eye...i guess it would be ok...but i cant use it even years later and it is still not fixed...I wish it was...I would have given a much higher rating...but when it is years laters and still not fixed...I cant give it any higher...

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disappointed tho
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 01, 2018 by cutejass

i put on my avi and it messed up whole avi brows its cute but not worth buying fix the bugs please or refund

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Cute as Heck but
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted May 09, 2018 by ooothangoneooo

My kids are TD and they put them on and it messed up there av and shape, was upset they loved them .

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Love it butttttttt
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 01, 2018 by SHADOW Twilight

I have the LAQ BENTO HEAD, with the Catwa mesh eyes. It makes the eyes lock up and bug out of the eye socket...I tried everything I know to fix it...Nothing fixes it...I left the creator a message about this and have never heard anything back...other than that one problem, I loved it...but I cant wear it...only reason I don't give it a 5 star rating is because I cant use it and because they never responded to my message....

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