MACS Professional Edition Version 1.1
MACS is a system, originally developed with a task in mind to scale and change textures of attachments, all forced by a HUD device. This gave the name: Multi Attachment Control System. But MACS can much more than than, if used with so-called SDKs.
1. About
MACS allows to build a wide range of applications while unlinked devices in chat range or same region control each other remotelly. Some examples:
* Boots, hat or hairs change the size, color or textures, forced by a HUD device
* Equipment of a dance group changes all synchronously, everything is coordinated by a single control device
* Behaviour a weather control device on a sim is controlled by devices placed overall on the sim
* A cable railway or street lamps of the whole sim controlled from a device in the control center
* Guide planes are sent on their routes or called home
* Opening or lockig doors, shading of windows, switching on lights, activating of household devices, everything is controlled by a device in the office of by multiple consoles overall in the home, each with complete or partial control
* ...
To make the tasc scope flexible and extensible, the system was separated from the concrete solutions. It is build off two layers.
MACS itself is the lower layer, the transport layer. It is also called system core. Its job is simply to take control messages, generaded in one device and to transfer them in another one. This connection of two devices is directed, the sent messages are signed and verified, they can't be manipulated.
The devices under control are addressed by their alias and owner's name. The control device can this way address all devices in range, all devices that use special alias or all devices that belong to a special agent.
The device under control can accept or decline the command, while it checks the identity of the control devise itself, its owner or its actual operator. It is also possible to connect devices that are owned by different people or made by different builders.
Furthermore, the system core offers services that help to generate the control messages, to transport them and to generate command responses.
MACS is low lag system: It uses only one listener per device with a high chanel number. The system core sends no additional messages, this generates no more load of chat and link messages than necessarary for the concrete applications.
The system core itself is not able to execute the control messages, there is almost no restrictions about the syntax of the sent messages. To handle special tasks like in the list above the system needs SDKs. They are the upper layer of the system and their job is to generate and to execute the control messages.
MACS messages are not encoded. About encoding should care the concrete application, i.e. SDKs. The system core takes no cryptology effort other than required for the veryfiing of the messages, since that is an additional load for the sim where it is not necessary.
There is by now only one SDK developed, the TASC SDK (Texture, Alpha, Scale, Color) allows to change the texture, transparency, scale and color of prims of the target device. This was the original task of MACS.
2. Tutorials
There are tutorials published about MACS and further are planed.
* Starting post:
* System architecture:
* Core security:
* Application of TASC SDK (3 pages):
3. MACS License
By purchasing the product You accept these terms:
1. Every fullperm content, no matter if notecards, textures, landmarks, scripts or objects with further contents may be only given for free. This rule does not apply on given folders or packed boxes containing further content.
2. Content on which the rule 1. applies may be given if modified for any prize, as soon the modifications are reasonable and a hint about the content source is given with the content.
3. Content without the owner's mod permission may not be given if the next owner of the content has both copy and transfer permissions set. The hint about the content source must be given as well. This rule applies also to the contents of the given objects.
4. If the content on which the rule 3. applies is the main part of giving process, so the content may not be given for lower price as the adequate product of JFS.
5. If this aggreement is broken, all necessary judical steps may be taken by JFS inclusive an application for removing of products which reselling breaks this aggreement.
In other words...
The professional edition of MACS contains notecards, landmarks, textures and the SDK package, all as full perm. These and the content of the SDK package can be given out as
See item in Second Life- Develomnemt framework for remote control aplications
- Uses chat as message transfer medium
- Directed and verified messages, multiple acess levels
- Supports 'one to one', 'one to many' and 'many to many' connections
- Connects devices owned by different avatars