A very simple idea for your SL : sometimes we need to stay afk, or to rest, and we don't want to be seen or bothered or to get ims, especially in public sims ( a sandbox, for example ) and we would like to have a place to let or hide our avatar...if this is one of your wishes, The Mars Ball is for you !!
It contains a sleep animation inside, you can rezz it at every height and all you have to do is to sit and your avatar will float nicely, nobody will see you, but what is funny, you will be able to watch everything happens around you.
Nothing forbids to use it in your house as well, if you are an eccentric person, or to decorate the flat or the skybox, or with your friends.
I made it lightly glow, the sheen will depend on your windlight settings, one of the best settings to enjoy the sheen is in CalWL.
It's just one prim, and comes in a copy version and in a few colors and textures, check in MPL which one fits best with your preferences.
It doesn't need to be unpacked so you will not waste your time :)
For possible questions or issues i am here to help you, feel free to contact me by IM.