G General

[MB3] Advanced Hydroponics Version 1

[MB3] Advanced Hydroponics

Use our Hydroponic products to add much needed hydroponic containment to your Laboratory!

Our Advanced Hydroponic Systems are rigged to hang from the ceiling using high tension cables; leaving you more floor space for other things. If you need the cables to be longer or shorter dependent on your needs, they can be stretched using your in-world build tools or de-linked and removed entirely. Just use the "Edit Linked" tool.

Depending on how you like to set things up our Hydro System can be used with or without the protective Shell. The Shell is constructed primarily as a protective sheath for your sensitive plants and will feed them a steady supply of Oxygen and other essential nutrients. The large glass pane doors along the sides can be left open or closed for external observation.

Land Impacts:

With Shell - 8 Land Impact
Without Shell - 4 Land Impact

View our other screenshots to see how we utilize our products in-world on our Research Space Station, MoonBase 3.


If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to IM either Drakortha Hull or Numberofthebeast Angelus

See item in Second Life
  • High Detail Mesh
  • With or Without Shell
  • Low Impact