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MD Trinket Machine DEMO Version 2.0.1

MD Trinket Machine DEMO


MD Trinket Machine - product overview

I. This machine comes empty, you will have to drop your items inside for it to work.
II. Complete user manual: www.mdlabsonline.com/md-trinket-machine-user-manual/
III. MP prices differ from in-world
IV.: 3 versions included: full machine, board and script-only

*** MD Trinket Machine has been reviewed and approved by Linden Lab and it is 100% compliant with Second Life ToS ***

MD Trinket Machine is a new fun and engaging product which is simple to setup, full of features and easy to play.
This new product is based on the conveyor-belt systems, but with a few nice addition to make it even more engaging:
1- the machine extracts a random item based on the defined rarity win rates and set it for sale;
2- the machine extracts the two upcoming items on the defined rarity win rates;
3- the item will be kept until sold or for a certain amount of time (shuffle time) defined by the owner;
4- once sold or once the timeout has reached the first upcoming item is set as current item for sale and a new one will be extracted;

Despite the quick and easy setup, the MD Trinket Machine is very feature-rich:
- Shuffle time: decide how often (in minutes) the machine should automatically extract a new item if the current one is not being sold. Shuffle time can be set from 1 to a maximum of 1440 minutes (1 day).
- MD Labs Online Services: a website to interact with all your machines. View detailed stats and all transactions, rename, reset, delete and setup your machines in-world from web.
- Automatic item numbering (ID) detection: a strong and flexible algorithm has been included to automatically detect the items ID (number) from their names, saving time to the creators from renaming their items and making MD Trinket Machine widely compatible and very quick to setup.
- Prizes: drop inside the machine up to 100 different items to be given as prizes.
- Rares: mark up to 50 items as ‘rare’.
- Rares category: you can assign each rare item a category among RARE & ULTRA RARE; you can assign the category adding a special keyword to the item’s name, and the script will automatically identify the rares items and their category.
- Rares rates: you can set a custom extraction win rate for rares, different for each rare category.
- Special prize: give a special prize to players after a customizable number of pulls.
- Presets: create and manage presets for your machines; apply them easily to your machines for an immediate setup. PLEASE NOTE: this feature is available through MD Labs Online Services website.
- Events: create and assign events to associate to your machines; keep track of the profit per each event, set the event’s start and end time and the machines associated will work only during that period. PLEASE NOTE: this feature is available through MD Labs Online Services website.
- Managers: add managers for your machines; pick among 3 different permission levels and let managers interact with your machines. PLEASE NOTE: this feature is available through MD Labs Online Services website.
- Blacklist: add users to blacklist and prevent them from playing your machines. PLEASE NOTE: this feature is available through MD Labs Online Services website.
- Profit split: enable this option to split your income with up to 2 different avatars, picking a custom split percentage for each of them.
- Multiple setup, apply settings to a single machine or to all machines in the region at the same time.
- User-friendly menu interface, loaded with hints and instructions.
- Easy and quick setup, low lag script: really efficient script, uses just a small amount of memory and does not increase the sim lag.
- Strong inventory algorithm: the script logic will scan for all the items and help you configure the machine.
- Update: get free and lifetime updates for this product.

Key features:
- Easy and quick setup, lag-free script, manage up to 100 items.
- Customizable item shuffle time, multiple machine setup.
- 2 rare categories: rare and ultra rare with custom win rates.
- Split income with up to two additional avatars, with custom %.
- Managers, presets, events, remote setup through website.

Item details:
- 3 prim.
- yes mod (machine versions only)
- yes copy
- no transf

- Full and lifetime support is provided, IM resident Mattia Delwood

2022. MD Labs.

  • Easy and quick setup, lag-free script, manage up to 100 items.
  • Customizable item shuffle time, multiple machine setup.
  • 2 rare categories: rare and ultra rare with custom win chances.
  • Split income with up to two additional avatars, with custom %.
  • Managers, presets, events, remote setup through website.