G General

MD Vendor System (Full Pack) DEMO Version 4.1.2

MD Vendor System (Full Pack) DEMO

I. this product is subscription-based: a valid subscription is required for the system to work.
II. this product is SCRIPT ONLY. You'll have to place it in your vendor in order to have it working.
III. Complete user manual: https://goo.gl/VXC38v

!!! IMPORTANT: MD Vendor System is a subscription-based product and requires the payment of a recurring fee.
>>> The first month of subscription is included with the system purchase. <<<

MD Vendor System subscription allows two different billing methods:
- a fixed fee: 999L$/week
- a variable fee: 2% of the previous month’s income
The owner is able to choose the payment method whichever suits their needs best.

For further details about the subscription and the costs click here: https://goo.gl/VXC38v

MD Vendor System is a complete low lag vending solution, built with a module (or plugin) architecture, easy to use and full of features. Its specific modular design lets you add or remove additional functions very quickly and easily, while making the whole system able to adapt to every situation and need, from little stores to heavily packed events.

MD Vendor System provides all the basics and advanced features in your pocket:
- Quick and easy setup
- MD Labs Online Services: a dedicated website to track sales from all your vendors, with detailed statistics.
- Integrate your SL Marketplace with MD Labs Online Services
- Multiple items & demo: additional support for unlimited products and demo
- Multi-display vendor to create multi-item vendors
- Remote Control: create client (satellite) vendors
- Store Credits: additional support for store credit, with different % for group and non-group members
- Gift Cards: built-in support for gift cards. Create your own gift cards with the dedicated script and benefit of all the available options such as card expiration date, card reservation and card max usage
- Promo codes: create and share your promo codes, with specific discount in % or L$ and validity rules (*)
- Poses: create your own pose vendor to sell your poses
- Redelivery: use MD Redelivery Terminal & Product Server Script (included) to create your redelivery terminals and offer your customers redelivery for both in-world and Marketplace purchases
- Product Server: use MD Redelivery Terminal & Product Server Script (included) to create your product server and connect your vendors to it
- Credits Reward: use MD Credits Reward Terminal Script (included) to create your credits reward terminal and setup a reward campaign for your customers
- Store Partner: add a second avatar as store partner, allowed to interact with all the devices through the website and directly from in-world (*)
- Managers: add users as managers, picking among 3 different permission levels and letting them interact with your vendors (*)
- Blacklist: prevent unwanted users to buy, gift, receive and get redeliveries (*)
- Presets: create and manage presets for your vendors; apply them easily for an immediate setup (*)
- Backup & Restore: an automatic backup of your vendor’s settings is kept, for quick restore
- Events & rounds support: create your events & rounds, assign your vendors to them and keep track of the sales (*)
- Sets: create sets to group together virtually several vendors. Keep track of the sales per set and speed up the in-world setup by applying settings only to specific sets
- Redelivery HUD: use the provided script to create redelivery HUD and offer your customers a quick and easy way to access their personal redelivery page
- Split: split your income with up to two different avatars, picking a custom split %.
- Discount: pick a custom % to apply as discount to your products.
- Group mode: allow only group members to use the vendor.
- Multiple setup: decide whether apply settings to a single vendor or to all vendors at once.
- And also: direct pay, vendor timeout for customers, notifications IM, refund system, limited stock qty
- Optimized: user friendly interface, modular architecture & low lag.

(*) feature available through MD Labs Online Services website

Item details:
- 0 prim.
- no mod
- yes copy
- no transf

- IM resident Mattia Delwood
2020 MD Labs.

  • Complete vending solution with modular architecture (plugin)
  • Web-based dashboard for advanced features and statistics
  • Subscription-based service
  • Easy to setup & use, optimised and very low lag
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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My Favorite System Ever
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 02, 2023 by Gwen Ghostly

Have been using MD Vendors (and other MD systems) for years. While I've used it longer than any other system, I've also had less outages and issues than with any other system. More advanced features and plugins such as storewide sales, gift cards, and store credit are convenient and clear. There are plenty of handy and uncommon features that are great for businesses of any size.

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