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MESH-Animated Step Escalator [ Full Perm] Version 4.0

MESH-Animated Step Escalator [ Full Perm]

Actual Price : L$888 Promotion Price : L$688
Please visit in-world before buy it.
it not ride-able.

100% Mesh prim
Animated escalator step in sculpted prim
#3 different height escalator
1. 5.0 meter ht [10 land impact]
2. 5.5 meter ht [12 land impact]
3. 6.0 meter ht [12 land impact]

#2 type .animated step and normal step.
multi face seleted

#all texture map and animated script.
in escalator "content."

#animated escalator step

*** 23/08/2015 update to version 4.0***

* reduce land impact -save prims
*change sculptie escalator Step to mesh
* animation Step -moving up and down with sign
* new glass panel

1.4 nos 5 meter high escalator -only 8 land impact]
2. 4 nos 6.5 meter hight escalator - only 10 land impacts
3. 4 nos 8 meter high escalator - only 12 land impact

#Therms of use: For Full permission product.

By purchasing product you agree to do not resell this Escalator as full perms,

you can use and sell them for your own creation. do not give it as full perms for free.

according with DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) any violation of these terms

will be considered an infringement of our copyrighted and intellectual materials and will be prosecuted.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 15, 2016 by Dekator Flux

Elevator is prob one of the most realistic looking ones I have seen in SL! I am a builder myself and so to use a prefab means that it has to pass a certain level of quality to be used in my setups. This def does that. From its detailed structure to only having one script to control the stairs animation. It can be used as is or you can add your own script in and make it automatic and like a RL working escalator! Thanks for the great product!

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