D1&MTG zeEVOIII A1 Operations Manual
Please note this is a MESH weapon. If you do not have a mesh-compatible viewer, the weapon will not appear correctly for you. Please upgrade to a mesh-compatible viewer to get the full graphical experience, there are quite a few and upgrading is free.
::Weapon Features & Accessories::
•Generation II scripts!
•Adjustable, drop down display HUD, with commands.
•Seven accessories (C-Mag, PEQ, Tac-light, Silencer, Muzzle brake, Flash hider, Ironsights, Holosight.
•Folding/Extendable stock
•Multiple animation options (Walks, Stances, and Runs)
•Five optional ammunitions (LLCS, BNWCS, CCS, VICE and RP).
•8 different skin variants
•Weapon effects (Bolt blow-back, Recoil, Particles, and Magazine Drop)
•Slung version
To receive your zeEVOIII A1 in Second Life, rez the box provided.
Folder D1-MTG - zeEVOIII A1 will be displayed!
::Operation & Commands::
Input on your user channel - default 0, or service channel - 90005.
draw - slings the weapon
sling - slings the weapon
llcs - standard Linden Damage bullets (100% damage)
vice - VICE enhanced bullets (SCG class damage, use with provided VICE meter)
rp - roleplay bullets, supports all the combat systems which support collision based damage
ccs - CCS full metal jacket ammo, deals 10 MELE and 3 STAMINA
bnwcs - BNWCS enhanced bullet, adds additional 10HP damage (depending on sim settings)
Use the HUD for toggling the animations, not the commands.
kneel - toggles kneeling animation mode
Fire modes:
semi - semi-automatic fire mode
burst - burst fire mode
auto - automatic fire mode
reset - resets the weapon
ch:number - sets the weapon user channel to desired channel (number is 0-100)
vel:number - sets velocity to desired one (number is 0-200)
autoreload - toggles the auto reloading feature
spread - toggles the spread
ao - toggles the full AO
verticalaim - toggles the vertical aim feature
strafe - toggles the straffing feature
effects - toggles all weapon effects
slide - toggles weapon slide movement
recoil - toggles weapon recoil animation
particleeffects - toggles particle effects
magazinedrop - toggles magazine dropping
reload - reloads the weapon
melee - performs melee attack (not applicable with CCS)
sights - toggles sights
holosight - toggles holosight
stock:extended - extends the stock
stock:extended:1 - extends the stock to the maximum
stock:extended:0 - extends the stock to the minimum
stock:folded - folds the stock
lam - attaches laser aiming module
laser - turns on the laser
taclight - attaches tactical light
light - turns on the tactical light (you need to have the Lighting and Shadows enabled in preferences menu to see the light properly!)
magazine:regular - attaches the regular 30+1 round magazine
magazine:drum - attaches the C-mag which has 100+1 rounds
flashhider - standard flash hider
muzzlebreaker - breaks the muzzle so the flash doesn't appear
silencer - attaches silencer
skin:skin name - changes skin (variants: black, white, sand, olive, urban1, urban2, urban3, tiger)
size:number - resizes the weapon, and the slung one too (number is the size percentige from 0.75 to 1.25)
The commands that change the weapon appearance and so (skin, attachments..), only work when the weapon is drawn.
The HUD helps you with easier control of the weapon. HUD is re sizable.
For setting velocity or HUD size, the sliding bars should deploy, in case you can't see the red sliders, please make sure you have either Automatic Alpha Masks or Fast Alpha enabled in your Second Life Viewer, under advanced options, rendering tab (it is common Second Life bug).
How to use VICE?
Attach the meter, SMG and set the weapon to the VICE mode, or vice-versa. You can use just this one meter for toggling between the SMG, pistols, Beneli and SRAW rocket launcher.
::Update History::
- Initial release
Building & Texturing: Kamil Noel
Animations: Kamil Noel, Shakeno Tomsen
Sounds: Kamil Noel
Scripts: Honza Noyes
Notecard: Tristaniel McMinnar
Support: Honza Noyes, Zema Zhora, Tristaniel McMinnar
Special thanks to: Gutterblood Spoonhammer, Shakeno Tomsen, Ralin Redgrave
See item in Second Life- Simple to use HUD (covers most of functions)
- Fully animated strafes, backwalks, vertical aim and jump
- Choice of 8 unique skins
- VICE, CCS, BNWCS enhanced damage!
- Reliable, low lag performance, scripted by Honza Noyes
Makes You Look Good
The gun has nice built-in animations for standing and walking and running and jumping, that are something that once you get used to having, you don't want to go without. Also what it has that guns by other makers do not is strafing, which if you are not doing them you have nothing close to realism because your gun appears to any observer to be pointing and firing bullets in a direction 90 degrees off from where it actually is. So I have lost interest in using any other guns until they have strafing animations too.
Predictable, So Allows Planning
It's kind of like you can count the bullets, even though it are going through them so fast, mainly because it is like a steady stream where you can figure it by the time, and so can calculate to hit so many targets before they run out completely.
This may sound like a simple thing but it isn't, where a lot of guns will sort of sputter along in a very unpredictable way that can cause you hesitation that can get you killed in combat.
Awesome piece of Work (10 stars)
great gun and the posibillities for cuztomize it are good, really low lag in busy sims
Awesome piece of Work (10 stars)
great gun and the posibillities for cuztomize it are good, really low lag in busy sims
Omg i just bought this like half an hour go, tryed it in a zombie sim, and came here to say its Freakin Awesome!! I read a comment about not having reload, the gestures for combat are included on the NC folks! The fact that it is mesh, was one of my requisites, simply because i hate those Bugs that come from Prim weapons, where we sheat the weapon and still bits and pieces are left behind rezzed! good job