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*MG* Cart

*MG* Cart

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100% Mesh

1 LI

Pack Include:

- Textures sample
- Uvmap


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one star is to much even....
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted November 26, 2024 by Myrdin Sommer

this item is half sort of alpha blend, but it is not.. very odd..
like half invisible
i feel maybe this item is uploaded wrong?! like fucked up mesh...

anyway, dont buy this its not usable!!

but not all items from this store are bad btw!

if you want the perfect homeless scavenger cart filled with junk buy the NOMAD // SCAVENGER CART. it is perfection :)


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UGH !!
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted November 13, 2024 by Masongequam Lefavre

It does NOT look like the photo. I was able to resize it to a proper portion. It came with some of the textures off the items so they were white. I had to go and edit and select each item separate and then put in the 2 textures that were provided. However, some items are transparent-like at certain angles even though transparent is off. Other items in the cart wouldn't even take the textures, like the mannequin head, guess it is. I don't know what went on here but the whole thing needs redone.
AND IT'S 15 PRIMS. FFS I deleted it.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 27, 2024 by BabyCatHead

it cannot be resized! it is huge! please don't waste your money!

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted October 08, 2023 by OfDiscord

all the normals are inverted on this cart and its not useable. did you make this yourself? i wonder.

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