MI Full Perm Female Fashion Poses Set V01
This package includes 11 female fashion poses and a Full Perm pose stand to play poses. Real life reference pictures are also included.
You can hide the pose stand by typing hide to local chat and make it visible again by typing show.
Terms and Conditions
Please read my terms and conditions carefully before committing to buy: http://meliimako.com/?page_id=239
- Full Perm 11 Fashion Poses
- Photography poses
- Modeling poses
- Full Perm model stand included to play them
- Friendly support and Free upgrades
For 125 Linden it's worth it for just one or two poses!
I bought this set for the bag-holding pose in particular, if there are others I end up using that will just be a bonus. Honestly if there are only two poses in a pack that you will use, at this price it is worth the investment. I am purchasing several packs during the 2018 end of year sale - the price of $125 Linden per pack is hard to resist!