This is the free demo version of the MLCC Oceanic sailboat.
See item in Second LifeGreat work!
The best demo version I've never seen!!
A Plain and Simple word for this boat : AWESOME!!!
I am a novice at sailing, was into speed boats until friends took me out on there sailboat. I crashed ever sailboat i tried the demo for, one of the reasons might be I am a novice at sailing, another reason could have been the fact the other boats handled like race cars not boats. I decided one more try at a sailboat and then I would give up on the idea.
I got the demo of the OCEANIC and I loved the detail and design that went into this work of art. Then came the part I worried about most, could I handle such a big sailboat? The answer even surprised me. It was so easy to sail, so stable and so much fun that I sailed around the waters of SL for hours just to make sure, in and out of islands to see the way the boat handled. I did not have one problem with it, it crossed sim lines just great. The boat is big or i should say long, but the prim count is half of what my speed boat was, put her back in inventory :) The designer of this boat was not kidding in the detail section of his MP page, this boat, "turns-on a dime," It is responsive like no other boat I have ever tried. It is fast, reliable and completely fun to sail.Their are so many great features with this boat its well worth every Linden one might pay for it. Another great part of this experience was getting IM's from other passing sailboats how beautiful the boat was, which in itself says a lot about the boat and its design.
I have spent a fortune on boats that didn't have demos and designers swore these were the best boats in SL.. Well thats, shame on me, for trusting without testing a demo. But this sailboat does have a demo, and the demo does everything the boat you will buy does. It's not a 15 minute demo and you are on the bottom of the ocean floor, I sailed around for a long time testing this boat out before I purchased it.
Thank you so much Motor Loon for being so honest about your product and giving SL one of the best boats out in the SL market.
Awesome Work
One of my fav sailing vessels in SL, I am so glad you decided to offer a demo for this creation. It is one of the best sim crossing sailers I own and the demo does it justice for sure. Thanks for doing this for us Motor, it is greatly appreciated... AFFA
Very nice for a demo version
I am an avid sailor in SL and I had seen this boat a lot at the Naked sims. So I was very curious.
I got it 2 days ago and was very impressed with this Demo version. Even if it is a Demo, it still has lots of features and animations (including motor repair).
It sails smoothly through sim crossings with the Bwind engine which is easy to use.
The textures are fantastic and you can change them from the provided menu.
It compares very nicely with the Bandit 55.
Great work !
to many girly poses not enough male poses. Seems it was built for the male to be at the helm while a girl or girls are posed all over the boat. I can't very well party with my buds knowing some are going to be siting like a girl. lol
Sensual Sailboat
There is something very sensual about this sailboat. The sound of the waves lapping against the hull, the gentle rocking motion, the angle of the pitch . . . it all resonates deliciously within me, especially with some good music. No other sailboat in SL that I’ve tried or owned has ever given me that feeling.
The boats is an elegant, sleek CRUISING vessel. This is not a racing boat. It’s not meant to be. The boat does not jerk right or left when the appropriate key is tapped. It takes it’s time. It glides slowly and evenly into a turn. It was designed to be that way. It mimics it’s real life counter parts. It does posses a rather tight turning radius, however. (You can the increase the speed of the turn and decrease the turning radius even further by putting slack in the sails and turning at the same time.)
The boat has excellent details and the insides are well appointed, but quite plain. There are a few texture options that are included. Let’s hope someone can make texture kits for this boat as this is a boat that deserves a beautiful face.
The boat uses the simple BWind system. It’s easy and straightforward. You can change wind direction and speed with a keystroke or two and no prefix command is needed.
The boat shines in the animations category. The animations are driven by a pop up hud, and YES, the helm’s person can change positions and still pilot from wherever. How cool is that?
This boat is designed for chatting with friends and listening to music while slowly cruising the SL waters.
Perhaps this is a girl’s boat more than a guy’s, whether she is sailing it herself or just catching a ride.
Will I buy this boat? Yes, sometime in the near future.
5 thumbs up . . . well done Motor Loon.