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MLP House V1 Version 1

MLP House V1

A copy & modify pony house perfect for 1 pony or a couple. There is room enough for a living room, dining room, kitchen and lounging area on the first floor based on how you use the open space. Features a split door for the main door, a lovely balcony and a round bay window. It have two places to display your cutie mark or family crest or anything else that would make you happy. Contact me if you would like me to see it before you buy it.

Prims: 71
Area: 16m x 20m
Stories: 2

View pictures here (because MP is being mean and not showing all of them): http://www.flickr.com/photos/113736385@N05/sets/72157639625867644/

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  • Custom Built home with MLP looking textures
  • Copy & Modify