G General

MM Tractor Version 2.0

MM Tractor

2seater classic Tractor.


100% mesh model 24plims(22li)
repeal voice commands - It was the menu operation
ver2.0 is one type

-----Keyboard operation-----

W or up arrow is to forward
S or down arrow is to slowdown, back
A or left arrow is to turn left
D or right arrow is to turn right
E or page up is to shift up
C or page down is shift down

Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 1 star:
Looks very nice.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted December 07, 2012 by JacksonHardtack

My only issue is that it goes WAY too fast for a tractor. But for nothing, what do you want?

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