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MV-22 Osprey 1.0 (Boxed) Versión 1.0.2

MV-22 Osprey 1.0 (Boxed)

A finely detailed, fully functioning mesh model of the MV-22B Osprey V/STOL transport. Operable by owner or group members and able to carry a total of fifteen passengers and crew.

State of the art, 100% original modeling optimized for the Second Life system with advanced scripting, using only 967 kB of region resources - meaning smooth border crossings and no crushing lag.

Aircraft Collision Avoidance System (ACAS), hover assist and cruise autopilot.

HALO/HAHO parachuting system and fastroping for deployment of up to fourteen players at a time.

Interim Defense Weapon system, a belly-mounted GAU-17 7.62mm minigun with 360-degree coverage and unique third-person aiming capability for suppression in "hot" landing zones.

Refueling, rearming and repair in the field, OCS and LLCS Damage Compatible.

Product brochure: http://goo.gl/EI9G1Y

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Original mesh model designed for SL
  • Low memory use, low script time, no lag
  • Owner or group use
  • Unique fast roping and parachute system
Clasificación media: estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena media estrella estrella vacía
  • 5 estrella:
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  • 3 estrella:
  • 2 estrella:
  • 1 estrella:
Impressions. Price. Error. Control
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía Publicado November 04, 2021 por EkraTheMom

So. This is a great tiltrotor. Better in SL, I did not find. But I would like to be able to ensure that the transport is not destroyed. Since in SL there is an opportunity to fall due to the fault of the application itself and not the pilot, it is a shame to explode somewhere and fly thousands of kilometers to the place where I can call the transport.

An error that really gets in the way. If you control the Osprey from the cockpit, then during the flight you can be pulled into the seat and you will have to move the camera away on the go so as not to collapse.

But the price is too high. In my opinion. 5000 LD is an expensive pleasure. Why not 3500 or 4000, but 5000, in about an hour I understood the controls. In game conditions, it is sometimes difficult to control the tiltrotor due to the uneven loading of the location.

Control. Realistic. But in the conditions of the game, this is more of a hindrance. Finding an optimal map for flight is very difficult.

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Good but i guess there is room for improvements....
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía Publicado December 15, 2017 por MikasaCC

Pros: 1.good simulations(difficult to control as those in RL i guess XD)
2.dynamics as good as other omega products
3.much tougher/rigid than i expected ,not so esay to crash
Cons: 1.when you shut down the engine,sometimes it floats a little bit up....
2.not like the mi 24 i have, if you stand up and leave the vehicle, you cant get back and the vehicle became uncontrollable until it hits the ground....
3.too speedy in horizontal flight......

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Strangely enough this aircraft flies quite well
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía Publicado September 26, 2016 por Stephanie Independent

I got this aicraft a while ago and i thought it was some kind of helicopter. Later on, i found out it was a mix between an airplane and a helicopter. i basically got it because it looked like an unusual helicopter.

Before i got it , i have read all the reviews, I expected that it was either very difficult to fly to almost impossible to fly. Despite the reviews , i was able to control this aircraft quite well. Funny fact is that i even got compliments from different kind of people that i could fly and land it without crashing.

There is also a thing that i don't like about this aircraft and that is the combat system. I personally don't use the combat system as well as the damage option that it has. I find it quite annoying that it can explode when someone crashed into you or when the helipad is too small. I would rather have an option in it that would allow you to put the combat scripts off. ( so that it doesn't explode)

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estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado August 21, 2016 por Kanami24

It's a nice VTOL type vehicle. it has a lot of interesting vehicles but it's so difficult to fly to the point where its impossible to pilot. on top of this it's overly sensitive. This vehicle is another attempt at realism and it's to the point where it's not realistic at all. nice mesh, good scripting on everything else except for the vehicle scripts (like the engine rotate, gears, belly machine gun, hatch, etc.). but uhh.... I would not recommend this one to anyone else. overall, a waste of L$ considering that the main lore was being able to pilot this. which is pretty much impossible. I would recommend completely redoing the piloting scripts and easing up on it. after all it's SL, not RL. which is a VIRTUAL reality. I say this because in the website the creator stated something about "magic carpet" flight. after flying this I honestly prefer the magic carpet flight. 2-3 stars at best due to the good detail and scripting in every other aspect of this machine, but again, can't fly it-- won't use it.

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pretty but hard to control
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado July 25, 2016 por brux4

the most expensive aircraft I have and I still cant fly it cuz it's so so hard! Please make an update and change it, so that I can finally enjoy my pretty Osprey! I wouldn't recomend it by now.

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Looks Great Osprey Hellicopter
estrella llena estrella llena estrella llena estrella vacía estrella vacía Publicado April 07, 2016 por richie Kimono

i Bought this Helicopter some time ago and yes i have to Admit it looks and flys great as it looks , but only giving it 3 stars because its not vice capable and what military system it does have you can only use on the Omega Sim , and if you want to fly it about any other military sim and at least look good if anything hits you at all from guns, missiles you can still crash and theres nothing you can do to retalliate. But that aside other than that it is a Great Looking and Designed Hellicopter.

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