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MadPea Happy Hooves (FULL SET)

MadPea Happy Hooves (FULL SET)

MadPea Happy Hooves (FULL SET)

- The RARE Barn with all 12 Commons
- Modify and Transfer

MadPea Happy Hooves Barn (t) RARE (126 LI - click to open/close doors)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Barn Stool (1 LI - sits one avatar)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Farm Fence Kit (1 LI each part - click to open/close gate)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Farm Tool Rack (4 LI)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Feeder (4 LI)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Food Bowl (1 LI)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Grooming Kit (3 LI)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Hay Pile (2 LI)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Haybale (3 LI)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Muck Cart (5 LI)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Rake (wearable)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Waterer (2 LI)
MadPea Happy Hooves - Wheelbarrow (6 LI)

I have checked that it is complete before i did upload it to Marketplace and you can see that it is complete if you have a look into boxed items before you unpack them to inventory!
This is a resale item.
See images for item details/appearance.
Read "Creator Notecards"

I’m not the creator and can not refund or redeliver lost items!