G Geral

Magical Dagical Mushroom teleporters Versão 1.0

Magical Dagical Mushroom teleporters

Magical Dagical Mushroom circle teleporters

1 prim each

Tested up to 4,000 meters high

Multiple locations

I decided to release these teleporters for sale at an economically sound price in reflection of my days spent searching for a good, easy to set up, teleportation system for myself personally. While not the most complicated system in SL, (there is no access/locking feature) they do the job quite nicely with low prim impact and without destroying the immersion of your fantasy themed home. Floating text is only present after you have selected your destination and the beam has been rezzed for you to sit on and be ported away.

Compatible with my other Magical Dagical teleporters.

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