Please try the free demo before purchase!
Make sure the hairstyle fits your avatar, or can be adjusted to fit.
Hair by Sabina Gully.
Ver el artículo en Second LifeGreat
Looks really good, even comes with two size options and fits great. The color options are nice and I like that you get all the colors for so cheap and you don't have to buy them all separately like some creators try to do.
A rare style!
Seriously, there are two things on this hair that I like.. the longer strands flanking the cheeks and longer pony tail in the back! It's actually difficult to find symmetrical hair parting in the front like this style and actually have a luscious tail in the back! Thank you, Oh thank you! Another suggestion would be to create a similar style with the pony tail centered more near the upper back of the head while keeping the similar style in the front! That is another one I can't seem to find! <3 Xyl
I love this hair!
I have always loved your hair products. I think the other reviewer (for the demo version) could have explored the tint option with the white hair base. (You can have literally any color you want with this!) And the fit was perfect for me, and that is always a super plus! Thank you for always making great hair. I hope you update some of your older styles to this new system. I would love them as an update or repurchase.