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Maitreya Lara - Lady Rider Complete Outfit Version 1

Maitreya Lara - Lady Rider Complete Outfit
Maitreya Lara - Lady Rider Complete Outfit
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This is a complete outfit with many, many combinations of looks. The dress is rigged and fitted for Maitreya Lara body. The boots are rigged to the Slink High feet and an unrigged set is also included. The fitting comes after many hours of hard work and the dress may not fit for extreme shapes. Be sure to try the demo and you many have to use the Alpha HUD to conceal 'poke-though'

The outfit includes the following:

Fitted Jacket
Fitted Top
Fitted Jeans
Choker, earrings and bracelets
Sunglasses on nose and up in the hair
Slink High rigged boots (an unrigged set is inlcuded)
Shoe base
Various alphas for system body

The jeans, jacket and top also come in five standard sizes, these are included in case you wear a system body from time to time or you get a better fit with these

Two HUDS are included, One to change the textures of the top and the jacket. There are seven textures for the top and 10 for the jacket. In addtion, there are a choice of 12 back patches with various messages. One is blank if you are quiet!

See item in Second Life
  • Rigged and Fitted for Maitreya Lara
  • Necklace, Bracelets and Earrings
  • Rigged and unrigged boots
  • 7 Top, 10 Jacket and 12 back textures
  • 5 standard sizes also included

L$ 199

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Tam's Trousseau
Tam's Trousseau
Sold by: Tamarsk

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Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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Mesh: 100% Mesh, Fitted Mesh