G Général

Mandalorian Avatar + Blaster Gun

Mandalorian Avatar + Blaster Gun

Mandalorian Avatar + Blaster Gun
Copy, no modify, no transfer

Rigged Avatar Mando + Blaster Gun
11 ammo. Control remote by hud

Baby Yoda Bot, Target Battle Droid, Jetpack Turbo, Blind Vision, 4 NPV (shield, gravity, reflex and reverse), punch, self destruction atomic time bomb, interceptor and block, mouse detector, detector attack, healt meter combat system, sight radar.

-Menu: - Silencer off on, -Menu: - Silencer off on, auto fire mode, sefety off on, reload, tex off on, normal and infinite ammo. sefety off on, reload, tex off on.

- Ammo 11 bullets: fireball, orbit, foam, damage, trap, push, grenade, electric, rock, kill and explosion