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Marry Me

Marry Me

This animated Will You Marry MeTeddy Bear is probably the most elaborate animation every done for a gift in SL!
It lasts for 80 seconds and is extremely funny and
romantic to watch. What an amazing present!

The Bear sits bored on the box and waits to be clicked to make his promise true - to give your presentee the moon and the stars.
Then he comes to action, takes a net and a bucket out of the coffer, climbes the ladder and starts to catch stars that sparkle above him. He fills them into his buckle. Lubberly he falls from the ladder and gets caught by his own net. Anyway he pours the stars and even the moon on the floor, then puts up a beautiful "Will You Marry Me?" sign, before he clumpsy stumbles again and is blinded by the bucket that falls over his head. Another stumble into the box helps him get his sight back after which he cleans up the mess that he has created.

This is THE Gift of the Year 2012! Every year i challenge myself to create THE most amazing gift. I am sure that after seeing it inworld you will agree with me, but judge yourself! Check it out inworld or click the BUY button on the right NOW!

Highest Quality by TrigiGifts!

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  • Greatest animation ever done for a gift in SL
  • Extremely funny and surprising to watch!
  • Great unforgettable way to ask "Will You Marry Me?"
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  • Highest Quality from TrigiGifts!

L$ 597

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ TrigiTec Radios and TrigiGifts (Gifts by Trigit Amat)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ TrigiTec Radios and TrigiGifts (Gifts by Trigit Amat)
Sold by: Trigit Amat

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Land Impact: 32