This is a texture for temporary runways commonly found during World War II (WWII). Marsden Matting, A.K.A. Marston Mat and P.S.P (pierced steel plate) can still be found in use in various conditions all over the world.
Two textures included
About the Marsden textures:
There are two main types for two particular reasons; the transparent and non-transparent (solid and not solid).
Transparent has transparent holes:
It is very versatile and works over any terrain texture. It does however, have a problem that occurs with all transparent textures. When you lay them over each other, they look like they disappear when viewed from certain angles. To alleviate this problem, simply do not put any transparent textures on top of, or below your Marsden Mat.
Non-transparent holes:
It works best when layering with different textures and transparent objects. For example, most grass and plants are done with transparent texture. You can place these directly on top of Non-transparent Mat without any issue. The drawback is that the texture through the hole is only one type - Standard SL base dirt texture.
More non-transparent Marsden Mat texutures are on the way - so stay tuned!
Basic instruction notecard included with texture
See item in Second Life