Mesh Breakwater Tetrapod Version 1

Tetrapod type cast concrete breakwater as commonly used in Japan.
The item is just a single module, but you can copy it as many times as you like to create a realistic barrier of any size.
Please watch the video to see it in action.
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Welcome to Rota, Spain . . .
Anybody in SL who isn't such a total geek as to have ACTUALLY joined the US Navy will remember this if you ever were on a ship that put into the base at Rota, Spain. Absolutely classic. I bought it as a yard ornament for my seaside home in Bellisseria.
Add Realism to your Marina
Unlike that Karen Famke from an earlier review these are perfect, 1 prim each, the LOD is exceptional and dresses up your water front.
Perfect of it kind!
The best of it kind you found on SL, yes each is only 1 prim and it LOD is great, plus texture is smooth and you can mod for your suit, like wet texture. (^__^) and it is only 19L$ and it worth.
Cute, but
Keep in mind they are one prim each, so if you want a shoreline to break the waves that are threatening your land, it will be a costly affair, linking them up increases prim count. All in all rather useless, no wonder its only 19 ls.
fun to play with
fun to set a bunch of them physical and toss them about and watch how they settle.