Mesh C-Class TipPic TipJar - Color Change Version 1.1

Thank you for your interest in our latest and greatest release! The Xtreme Designs C-Class TipPic TipJar. What is C-Class you ask? It simply stands for Customization Class TipJar. Everything about these new Jars was carefully thought out and designed. Their sleek modern appearance with their Xtreme functionality will assure these Jars will become our most popular yet!
• Fully Functional PERSONAL TipJar that displays the name and amount of the last Tip & total amount tipped!
• Built in picture viewer. Drop your pictures in and the TipJar will show them off!
• Customizable Hover Text. Make your Jar shine with your thoughts and words!
• Customizable Hover Text Color. Change the color of the hover text to suit your mood or event!
• XD Easy Group Add. Guests clicking your TipJar will get an invitation to your group!
• Customizable Default pay amount and quick pay buttons.
• Customizable Thank You Message. Thank each person tipping you with your own words!
• XD Smart Color Change. Change the color of your TipJar with just a click!
• *Automatic Updates! Life time FREE updates and fixes! Yes… even if you break your TipJar, we will fix or replace it for FREE!
Prims – Copy& Modify
Scripts – Copy Only
*With proof of purchase
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