Mesh Roth 2G Bento Hands Head & Body Alpha HUD

Mesh Roth 2G Male Avatar Bento rated G
Bento male avatar with attached hands, feet and head.
Alpha HUD for body, legs and arms.
Some building knowledge helpful, but not required.
Edit shape, re-texture skins, change things as you like.
Please understand this is a Project Avatar.
3 Avatars in this package : Bare : with Black Underwear :
and No Feet , for boots etc.
Same avatar as Roth 2.0 with different skin.
This avatar uses the Ruth alpha HUD.
Alpha HUD has a 4 sided Viewer : Wear HUD click on buttons,
also click on colors / stripes on the body ( toggles on - off ).
Included in this package are :
0 - Roth 2G : Body Alpha HUD
1 - Roth 2G Mesh Male Avatar : Bare / with Mesh Eyes * Dec 28 update
1 - Roth 2G Mesh Male Avatar : Bare
2 - Roth 2G Mesh Male Avatar : Black Underwear
3 - Roth 2G Mesh Male Avatar : No Feet
Roth 2G : Alpha Layer : Except Eyes
Roth 2G : Alpha Layer : With Rigged Eyes
Roth 2G : Body Shape : Blackburns dec 20
Roth 2G : Eyebrow Shaper
Eyes and Hair.
Roth is a Creative Commons Avatar, free, full permissions, and made to be shared.
License :
Roth is AGPL listed, which means he must always be free and you must pass that freedom on to others.
This does not prohibit you making and selling clothing, skins, accessories, hair and other parts for him.
Roth is a scratch-built, open-source, Opensim / Second Life compatible mesh avatar,
built to use standard SL UV maps.
Designed by Shin Ingin, with other open source contributions
from the Open Simulator Community.
Many thanks for this version to Adria Yheng and Hyacinth Greymoon.
The goal of Roth is to make a high quality, 100% free mesh avatar.
Delivered direct. See contents.
Enjoy !
Ruth and Roth Mesh Avatar Project
Create your own Skins
GIMP is a free photo shop program :
- Complete Roth 2G
- Fit Rigged Mesh Bento
- Hands Feet Head
- Alpha Body HUD
- Classic Alpha Layer and Body Shape
perfect :)
BOM can be applied only by modifying it :D . congratulations , is one of the best
el hecho de que sea full perm y gratis , no tengo quejas :)
L$ 10
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed