Mesh Silhouettes * Nano miniature - Floral Apate
A mesh silhouette is a 3D image, a mesh with a detailed outline and a flat front and back.
The Nano miniature silhouettes are for use in very small size buildings like jewelry pieces. They show an amazing detail on very small scale.
They can be used as hangers for necklaces or earrings, they can be used in brooches or attached to a bracelet as a charm.
Give that extra touch to your avatar accessories, decorate your handbags, use them in pair of glasses or as an ornament on a hat, a belt or on a pair of shoes.
They are also useful as hangers on zippers, or as other attachements to clohting items.
Mesh Silhouette 'Floral Apate' comes in black and white mesh and is provided with the UV map.
The landimpact is just one prim.
User License Agreement
for Mesh Silhouettes
By buying this package you agree with the following rights and restrictions:
You have the right to use the item for personal use.
You have the right to use the item for restricted commercial use.
You have the right to download the included UV template to one personal computer.
You have the right to use the UV template to make your own texture(s) for the silhouette.
The use of Mesh Silhouttes products is limited to the world of Second Life.
When you use the silhouette for commercial use, you have the obligation to disable or the 'transfer' option or the 'copy' option from the silhouette, before putting it for sale.
You can sell the silhouette as part of a bigger build that includes other objects or prims.
You can sell the silhouette as stand alone object ONLY when you add your own textures.
You are not allowed to give away the stand alone object with full permissions for free to any other avatar.
You are not allowed to transfer the silhouettes with full perms to alts or business partners without asking permission from the creator.
The avatarname of the creator is Meshes. You can contact Meshes for questions about the products or the user license. Please send a notecard.
See item in Second Life- Mesh Silhouettes
- 3D image with detailed outline
- comes with templates
- legal content for builders and creators
- with personal and commerial user license