Metal fence "Walking dead" style
2016 May
Mesh art work
0.4 download
0.8 physics
2.5 server
1636 display
2 prims land impact (linked)
5.109 X 0.500 X 2.907 meters surface
copy and mod
In the box:
Rezz Faux System with the set.
Separate parts:
Metal fence style "Walking Dead" short., long, frame door (phantom) and door,
2 Texture diffuse with bumpiness (normal) and shininess (specular), glossiness 51, environment 0,
Mode ultra viewer
You can see inworld in KAOS city. Behind the Sign house;
At 11, Fairmount Rd.
Link in this page.
1. We are not responsible for the smooth running of the object if the customer makes any changes.
2. We recommend these high-quality objects using high performance viewers. (ultra).
3. Modifying the following parameter:
Advanced/Show Debug Settings/RenderVolumeLODFactor, value at least 4.000
3D Fence 2 - Walking Dead Style by Cristian Magadan (MGD Films) is licensed under CC Attribution
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