[MiL*MiL]#208 Flower Heels-Mint-Maitreya
You must have Maitreya Lara to wear the shoes !
The feet its not included !
100% Original Mesh
FAT PACK HUD--fat pack purchase privilege
It's can change the textures of ribbon,
flower and heels each with the Fatpack HUD
(Fatpack HUDで、それぞれ 花、りぼん、ヒールのテクスチャーを変更できます)
(您可以使用 Fatpack HUD更改色带,花朵和鞋跟的纹理)
- Heels-one color
- Shoe base
☑Size for suit :Maitreya Lara
☑For Hight feet
Please try a demo first, before purchase.
If you have any trouble with your purchase,
please send me a notecard and I'll try my best to help you.