Thank you for your interest in my Singer Animator Pose Ball / Microphone It's ideal for Live music public venues and allows anyone using it access to a free microphone and 6 high quality motion capture animations.
The pack includes 2 versions of the animator ; a pose ball or a microphone stand version. It's up to you which one you use. Both versions work exactly the same way . To use just right click on them and choose 'Sing' ; you will then start to animate and a menu will drop down with a selection of animations and options to choose from.
This gives out a free microphone to the avatar using the pose ball. Take it into your inventory and right click and select 'wear' to attach it to your avatars hand.
Sets hovertext on /off
Sets access to Owner.Group or Public - Only the owner can change this setting and group members will need to wear there group tags to use the pose ball.
Sets the animations to change automatically
Sets the time for each animation to play before changing to the next one
Change the pose ball height to suit your avatar - the reset button changes it back to the original height.
You'll Find Many More Items In My Store @
- Singer Animator Mic Pose Ball Microphone
- Live Music Venues Mic Microphone
- Karaoke Microphone
- Free Microphone Giver
Unfortunately, the microphone has 3 prims. The Vendor has noticed this and changed it. Unfortunately, I have to deal with each prim, so the microphone is not usable for me. Actually, the product is great, the textures and the functions are really well done. The Vendor was very nice and refunded me. Thank you very much for that and great service!
Great so far
I just bought this today so am not really sure how good it actually is, but so far I really do like it :-) Great job!!!
Terrific Product and excellent service.
Everything the designers say it is and it includes excellent animations. Very happy to highly recommend this product and the designer.