A fully standalone minecraft themed avatar based on the popular mine little pony mod
The avatar is completely compatible with all of the newer mine little pony skins found online(the ones with necks, older skins WILL NOT WORK), and can easily applied in edit mode.
Note: it is recommended that you rescale the skin texture to 512x256 or 1024x512 to minimize the blurring Second Life does to low resolution textures. as well as uploading one texture with alpha transparency DISABLED for the head, and one with it ENABLED for the hair/tail to minimize alpha bleeding bugs with some viewers
The horn can be disabled by setting it transparent, and different tail lengths can be selected by setting portions of it transparent. the hair and face are two different texturable surfaces to prevent alpha bleeding bugs
additional skins that are compatible with the avatar can be found here:
as well as a skinning guide here(use the ADVANCED TEMPLATE or it will not work with the avatar):
For additional accessories and features that work with the avatar, such as firing arrows, throwing snowballs, placing exploding TNT and more, you can use the HUD from the crafty miner avatar(with its AO disabled):
And cute, but very primmy props here:
Curly Fride for the base animations used in the AO
Mero Collas for the sit animations
Verdana on the minecraft forums, the Mine Little Pony team, TheVoxelModPack team and community for the wonderful minecraft pony mod and the skins this avatar uses
TO DO: flapping animated wings for pegasi/alicorns will be coming later, the texturing process is a nightmare and it will take some time to get the motivation to figure out how that mess works
- Compatible with Mine Little Pony Skins
- Unrigged Mesh
- Requires NO additional avatars
Just what it says on the box: a Minecraft MLP, moddable at will. Very reasonable price.