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Mint ChatAVT AI Chatbot Engine Pack

Mint ChatAVT AI Chatbot Engine Pack

Mint Gadgets™
Original Product
ChatAVT™ AI Chatbot Engine
Personal Edition

NOTE: The Engine/Script is no mod.

ChatAVT is a brand new AI chatbot engine in Secondlife! And it does more than just a chatbot!
By getting ChatAVT you own a complete and powerful chatbot engine that you can customize, and feed with knowledge and control for any purpose.
ChatAVT is not web-based and it is not based on any other AI chatbot engine, it has its own local database which is completely customizable and easy to edit.
ChatAVT is packed with basic chat responses as a starter which you can edit and improve.
Although its starter knowledge is very limited, you can improve it and feed the bot with any knowledge or possible responses you can imagine!
In addition to chatting and responding to custom predefined chat conditions and triggers, ChatAVT optionally and professionally works as a welcomer or greeter and as an auto-talking bot. It can welcome each avatar uniquely with up to unlimited custom welcome messages!
It can also randomly talk up to unlimited public messages as well.
Every option is customizable, welcome, talk, range, rate, and more options!

✦ ChatAVT applications:
ChatAVT can be used at any place or venue and for any purpose!
It can work great as a chatbot, professional greeter, and auto-talker in hangout places and clubs.
It can serve a purpose in sims and stores as a helper or a guide.
It can be fun to have at any place with custom-made responses.
It can turn any object or mesh model into a professional functioning and customizable chatbot and auto-talker.

✦ Included:
* Scripts and notecards
* ChatAVT basic orb chatbot
* Detailed user guide.
Scripts and the orb can be used with any mesh model.

✦ Things ChatAVT can do:

* Chat with avatars and say limited chat responses based on its own chat responses database.
* Optionally welcome/greet avatars within the welcome range with a randomly chosen welcome message from a notecard.
* Optionally auto-talk random messages in the nearby chat, one at a time per rate seconds from a notecard.
* Says an introduction message privately to an avatar on touch.
* ChatAVT detects how far the avatar it is responding to and based on that it decides to whisper, say, or shout the response.
* ChatAVT can be named a custom name and called by it.

* Chat with avatars and respond to chat based on the customizable database
* Editable and customizable chat conditions and responses database via notecard and fast script
* Optionally welcome avatars within range with unique and customizable welcome messages (almost unlimited messages)
* Optionally auto-talk custom random messages in chat (almost unlimited messages)
* An option to filter chat messages said by objects or prims
* An option to chat with the chatbot by calling its custom name or to respond to any message in chat.
* Changeable welcoming range
* Changeable auto-talking rate in seconds (from 15 seconds up to 30 minutes)
* Changeable say modes for every purpose: Say, whisper, shout, or private say.
* Easily changeable chatbot name
* Advanced menu control
* Various interactions such as whispering random custom messages to avatars who collide with it, and to payment or touch.
* To ways to add a database, via notecard or via easy-to-edit script for faster responses.

✦ ChatAVT owner menu options:

[WAKE UP] : Turn on the chat bot.
[SLEEP] : Turn off the chat bot.
Talk: Say : Toggle auto-talk nearby chat say mode : Say (20 meters range), Whisper (10 meters range) or Shout (100 meters range).
Wel: Say : Toggle welcoming/greeting avatars say mode : Say (20 meters range), Whisper (10 meters range), Shout (100 meters range), or PrvtSay (private message to them).
PRIMCHAT : Toggle respond to chat by objects or prims on/off.
AUTOTALK : Toggle auto-talking messages in nearby chat on/off. Chat bot says a random message from the '.Talk Messages' notecard every rate seconds.
WELCOME: Toggle welcoming/greeting avatars on/off. Each avatar is welcomed one time every 2 hours by a one randomly chosen message from the '.Welcome Messages' notecard..
BYNAME : Toggle chat with bot by name on/off. When on, chat bot will respond to chat that has its name in it. When off, it will respond to any chat within range.
Range: 20m : This is the welcoming/greeting range, it will only detect and welcome avatars within the selected range. Keep clicking it to change range. It switches back to 20m after 256m max.
Rate: This is the rate for auto-talking messages; How often do you want the chat bot to say a random message in nearby chat? In seconds. It switches back to 15 seconds after 1800 seconds max (30 minutes). It is set to 1 minute by default.

Each notecard line and each message is limited to 250 characters per line and per message.
ChatAVT's starter database has very limited knowledge and chat responses, it does not know everything and depends on the owner's database additions.

  • Chat with avatars and respond to chat based on the customizable database
  • Optionally welcome avatars within range
  • Optionally auto-talk custom random messages in chat
  • Easily changeable chatbot name
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Great product - easy to use, good value
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 25, 2024 by Frankk Parisi

Very nice product - i was easily able to use the scripts in my "receptionist" and i like the simple but versatile method of adding inputs and responses to the notecards OR directly to a script - again pretty easy to do. The config is good with versatile settings. Some further customisability on some of the settings would be great (e.g. ranges) and the creator was very helpful and open to this when i got it touch.. like all things Im sure this is going to improve with each version. RECOMMENDED !!

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