Thanks for your interest in the Mirror Dance Ball
The Dance ball is designed to be as simple to use as possible, and has no limit on dances or dancers.
Rez in world and position. Then add dances.
Then simply click on the ball and dance. You will be asked for permission to animate your avatar, just click 'yes' and you will then start dancing. To stop just click the dance ball again.
- Dance Script
- 100% Mesh
Works fine...
... and a bargain for the money. I loaded it up with anims extracted from danceballs I had, and it was fine until I did something in the blue menu and it couldn't find an anim that was in fact loaded. So it's not entirely foolproof but with this fool using it what would you expect!
Anyway, I started over with a fresh copy, testing after loading each anim, and it seems to be okay. (NB there's a limit to the number of characters in the anim name, but if you rename _before_ you load, it's fine.) So, thank you Squall!
great mirror ball and dance script
It work great the script I needed a script for one dance for an old alt's dance machine the original script from the old machine didn't work with one dance your script worked Suqall DuCasse thank you for making it.