Miss Lucinda's Grand Illusion Mansion(185LI, 28x25)

This house is different from my previous builds. It is huge, floor area(28x25) and has more prims(185 land impact) than I would normally do.
I wanted to see if I could build a huge house.
A home is nothing without your own personal tastes in furnitures and also a compound filled with a few trees and flowers is important. I have no plans to furnish my houses. I think they are very personal and it is always more fun to decorate your own house.
I still try to use as little prim as possible to build these houses so that you can have as much prims left for all your stuffs but sometimes, it is not possible.
This Mansion has 4 bedrooms upstairs with different textured wallpapers, adjoining balcony and a small 'bathroom'. The attic is spacious and 'clean' with another balcony and mansard roofs on each side.
I have partitioned the rooms on the ground floor for a spacious living-room, a library, a dining-room, a small 'bathroom' and an encloses kitchen. French doors opens up to the verandah on both sides.
This is an old item, no support.
Have fun Decorating!
Once you have drag the rezzer onto the ground, please raise the box up a little so that the house won't be partially buried in the ground.
Once you have 'freeze' the house, all rezzer scripts will be deleted and you will be able to modify your house if necessary Please remember to make copies.
I'm in awe...
Absurd prices, excellent quality, lovely textures, practical spaces, and I paid 7K for a beach cottage??
This is better and look at the price! I'm a fool o.O
L$ 50
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
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