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[Mn2] Hair Demos (All) Version 1

[Mn2] Hair Demos (All)
[Mn2] Hair Demos (All)
0 Reviews


This is a demo! It includes all available [Mn2] styles only. It will be updated whenever a new style releases. This is to allow you to mix-and-match all the demo hair pieces and experiment with looks.

All demos are no mod with a resize script.

To use the resizer, please click on the demo sign above each hair piece (front or back), then click X, Y, and/or Z to enable those axes for resizing. Then choose the amount you wish to resize it.

Also, the Crescent hair is only available in the in-world store as a free group gift.


Hello, and thank you for your interest in the Manganese Hair system!

These hair pieces are separate mesh objects.
You will notice the hair comes in at least two parts. Front and back. These hairstyles labeled [Mn] or [Mn2] will all be this way.

The reason for separate pieces is to allow people to mix-and-match the front and back parts of their hair, which is something mesh hair tends to lose out on versus the older "sculpted" hair.
This way, you can customize your hairstyle to a degree, and if you want another hairstyle's bangs or another hairstyle's ponytail, you can mix them together!
It is very easy to align the pieces because they have the same pivot point!
Just copy-and-paste the position and it shall be aligned!

Beginner's Guide:

Please refer to the included notecard.


Please visit this link if you prefer .PSD files:

Unlike my previous hairstyles, and most other creators' hairstyles, some Manganese hair textures are uniquely UV-mapped to each hair style.

Most normal styles will now be created with the same texture file, however.

I've decided I will allow the textures to be freely edited by anyone, and will include the texture, UV map, and Ambient Occlusion.
The default texture is tintable, but you can do things like: add a color gradient, adjust the contrast, redo the texture style, or whatever else you desire.
If you make a texture modification, you are free to distribute or sell your unique texture however you want.


Please contact Kouki Elska if you need any help.
You can also use our support email, which is usually checked many times everyday:

Please avoid sending notecards, as they get lost easily and cannot be read via email.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Realistic textures.
  • Mix-and-match front and back half of most hairstyles.

L$ 0

Get the full version
Audax Inc. (All Items at Mainstore)
Sold by: Neco Softpaw

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh