Mouselook Camera Adjuster HUD
Adjust your mouselook camera up or down. I'd have included left/right/forward/back, but the viewer does not allow that
It works by moving your mEyeLeft bone. This is invisible on bento heads, but will cause your eyeball to be out of place on most older heads. The viewer uses mEyeLeft to calculate the mouselook camera height.
Thank you to TECH (tech.robonaught) for the idea and the hud texture.
Relevant viewer code:
I like it!
Very interesting approach it works well. Its full perm btw! Nice solution, compliments!
seems to work just as needed!
I didnt realize my Lelutka EvoX head made in 2022 was an "older bento head" in which this does in fact move my left eye out of its socket lol... its weird, and wish it didnt happen! I did try both Lelu Applier AND BoM eye modes, and they both move.
But, this HUD functions as needed so I can have a better mouselook view while drifting my cars. It seems as if adjusting the position needs to be done while standing (at least it didnt work while sitting in my car) so it took a bit of guess work but I got there. Overall, great product and cannot beat the price! Thanks Tavatar