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[M.o.w] Lace Black Miss Bandeau (wear & touch)

[M.o.w] Lace Black Miss Bandeau (wear & touch)

T R Y D E M O before purchase.

Top Rigged Mesh 3 sizes

Copy, no modify, no transfer

Mesh clothing can only be seen correctly with the latest SL Viewer!
Those whom are not using the updated viewer will not be able to see the mesh.


Rigged meshes will automatically adapt to certain shape-sliders, while not to others:
Body fat, breast size, butt size, belly size, muscles, love handles and saddle bags do NOT influence the mesh item. All length sliders, body thick, hip and shoulder width DO influence the mesh item.

Note moyenne : étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile vide étoile vide
  • 5 étoile :
  • 4 étoile :
  • 3 étoile :
  • 2 étoile :
  • 1 étoile :
Ohhh so close!
étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile pleine étoile vide étoile vide Publié le 19/3/2015 de NadiaCavallini

This is a really lovely piece!! but... there is no XS. The 5 standard sizes woulda made this a 6-star product!


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