Mr Krinklebine is a learning fish in a bowl. He repeats what you say and learns sentences from you, but forms his own wild language! Great hilarious fun! (7 sculpted prims with bubbles)
[If this item gets stuck, please go into edit mode and reset scripts. This is an older script and sometimes does get jammed when the vocab gets collected inside. I have changed this item to copy mod]
400 words
keep less, and it is a very good funny bot
For 75L it is fun
my first one quit because the memory was full. Do not go over 400 words. He has funny lines.
Don't buy this!!!
I bought one yrs ago, the script in it is corrupted, if works for a lil bit but as soon as it learns a few words, it wont work any more. I even wrote the creator and they never got back to me in three yrs( this was back in 2012, it even said AFTER you buy it that the script may or may not work, SL changed the way scripts work a few yrs ago and this creator never updated this product. It is now 2016 and still the same junk.
This fish is so funny!!!
I had one of these a few years back and recently bought it again so worth the linden for it is a great source of entertainment very good job to the creator