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MuddPuddles: Primrose Dreamer Bed Version 1.0

MuddPuddles: Primrose Dreamer Bed

MuddPuddles: Primrose Dreamer Bed & Canopy

★ Contents:
Bed: 14 LI; Copy; Texture Change
Canopy: 7 LI; Copy / Mod; Texture Change
Texture HUD: Controls Bed & Canopy

★ Animation Menu:
Is designed for Children Avatars. You will find the Singles Menu, Friends / Sibling Menu as well as a Parent Menu. As always tuns of animations and props to play with. Complete with Sleeping Blankets / Pillows for a more realistic design.

★ Experience:
This product is designed to allow the Experience use in your land settings. This feature will allow automatic attachments without having to grant permissions every time you use an attachment prop.

★ Copy / Modify:
You may adjust the size, do remember that this may increase or decrease the Land Impact. If you need to adjust a pose at any time, you may do so by selecting [adjust] in the main menu.

★ Product Notes:
This Product is designed for children. When using this product, the child will always be seated first. If you find yourself in the wrong seat then select [swap] from the animation menu. If you don't like the position of an animation you may adjust by selecting [adjust] from the animation menu.
Please see website for more instructions.

★ If you need assistance in using a product please contact, as market place reviews are not delivered to creators and may take a while to be seen.

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