MultiPoses, multi couple multi pose or solo sitter MPC V3.1 Version 3.1

MPC V3 - MultiPoseCouple V3.1
The script you are about to buy is a fantastic asset to add poses to your builds. It was made to adjust one or more poses for one or several avatars ( Couple poses, individual or group poses), and all this thanks to one single prim.
The MPC V3 - MultiPoseCouple V3.1 offers you a lot of usefull advantages such as:
☒ Being able to add an unlimited number of seats for avatars to your chairs, sofa etc...with a single prim.
☒ The possibility to run couples poses and single poses in the same time.
☒ No poseballs so a nice way to save prims
☒ Easy setting and a usefull Users'guide which explains you how to use all the options step by step.
☒ Every User will be able to adjust his/her poses perfectly to fit his/her avatar, the script will automatically save the datas and keep them in memory as long as the avatar is not away more than one month. Your friends and guests will not have anymore to adjust their seat everytime!
☒ Add customs buttons in the menu
☒ Optional parameters, for different uses ( requires knowledge about script, or ask some custom script)
- Animation of the prims
- Rezz/derezz objects
- Sending message
- Sending inventory
- ....
One script and one object are no-trans, but you will remove this script and this object at the end of settings, you will be able to sell your products.
All scripts are no-mod
- Set single and/or couple poses in a single prim
- Each avatar can adjust all poses, MPC remember all adjusts of many avatars
- Couple pose are matched automatically when an user select a couple pose
- Poses are showed in a menu, with or without category
- Optionally : use the in/out param of a pose to communicate with other scripts
1000 Kisses....
and many thanks for that Tool.
Clear explanations, great support, and does everything we are expecting, a must have !