*** PARTIAL MESH!!!... you must have a mesh capable viewer in order to fully enjoy the outfit. Be sure you have one before you buy!!****
Thank you for choosing a N.A.M.E.! :).. This creation is titled, Leo, for obvious reasons. Head of the lion shows you are the king of the RP jungle :)
Set Includes:
- Chest piece
- Partial MESH kilt with flex cloths
- Upper Armbands for both arms
- Sculpted "prim" feet with HUD to change skin and nails.
Again as with all of our items, they are copy-mod-NO TRANS.. so be sure to make a copy before trying to fix them to your body. Any questions don't hesitate to ask Gabriel Montagne :)
**Do not see the color you want? Ask me if another is available before purchase!!.. Also ask about my review / refer offers!**
Good, but not great.
This was a hard review since I was really trying to work with this product. The outfit looks amazing no doubt about that. I am going to have to take a star away for a product that says it's copy/mod and then turns out it isn't at all. As well as the color hud that comes with the product that colors the feet that don't optionally come off.... doesn't even work, so you cant color the feet at all. This was even after I got a new one from the creator after I told him there was no copy option. So in the end I took off the sandals which really did look nice and sported the look that way, which still looks good by comparison to other outfits. So when the hud works again, and this becomes copy/mod able then it'll be by far the best original look out there.