This outfit is inspired through the Abby Sciuto character on NCIS. She is hot and goth! With this ensemble you will receive:
4 shirts
1 short pant
1 skirt
1 pair of goth boots with boot base
1 neck tie
1 goth necklace
2 bracelets
1 celtic cross tattoo
1 jet black hair with bald base
1 black flower manicured nails
1 caf pow drink with animation
This would be a fun costume, or you could wear it any day.
These items are modify/copy so you can mix and match with other outfits you have!
Please give me a shout and tell me what you think.
And come visit Sun Made Fashions!!! We have some great things like midnight mania, madness, mobvend, prizes for picks, new release & 1L gifts weekly.
Have fun
Sunny :-D